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Ayurveda is an ancient knowledge cultivated by the sages of India. It has been developed from various treatises and manuscripts and has made its way to becoming one of the ancient most but modern health care techniques. ‘Ayur’ means life and ‘Veda’ means science. Thus, the term ‘Ayurveda’ means ‘science of life’. The theories and notions of Ayurveda have been practiced since the past 5000 years. It recommends methods for appropriate living and longevity. It includes instructions to maintain good health as well as dealing with illness through yoga, treatments, herbal medicines, correct diet and lifestyle changes.

An Ayurvedic doctor goes beyond listing the symptoms and scribbling a prescription. And will take an extensive personal and medical history, including questions about daily diet, profession and working conditions, exercise routines, relationships, and mental health. Helps patients to maintain a healthy life, eliminate impurities, reduce stress, and fight disease.


The goal of treatment is to cleanse your body of undigested food, which can stay in your body and lead to illness. The cleansing process called “panchakarma”— is designed to reduce your symptoms and restore the harmony and balance.


Ayurveda is different from other alternative health modalities. Ayurveda is natural and safe. It supports a better lifestyle through which you can improve our overall health. Best Ayurveda centre in dubai - Best ayurveda clinic in dubai . The purpose of Ayurveda is to protect health and alleviate disorders in the diseased.


Ayurveda cures according to the severity of the disease and also depends on the person's physique and strength of the disease.


  • If strength of patient is less and strength of disease is strong - takes time to get cured


  • If strength of patient is good and strength of disease strong - takes less time to get cured


Ayurveda and allopathy, they are two streams of medicine and they survive together. Each one of them has different roles.


  • Ayurvedic medicine along with allopathic medicine is not recommendable.  Because they can interact and work in different ways.

  • if I have to take both types of medicines together, Just keep at least 30min to 1 hours gap. Precautionary gap between ayurvedic medicine and modern medicine will help you to avoid several side effects and drug interactions. This should be helpful in most cases.


  • Please note that each medicine has different pathways of action in body. So, consult ayurvedic practitioner what can be done in your case. Doctor's advice will be precious to avoid any possible drug interaction and side effects.


We do provide guarantee to cure any kind of existing ailments. Most of the illness can be cured with medicines along with controls on food. Ayurvedic treatments are one of the most effective one which does not have any side effects.


An Ayurvedic practitioner will create a treatment plan specifically designed for you.  Best ayurveda centre in dubai. They’ll take into account your unique physical and emotional makeup, your primary life force, and the balance between all three of these elements.


The goal of treatment is to cleanse your body of undigested food / unwanted, which can stay in your body and lead to illness. The cleansing process called “panchakarma”— is designed to reduce symptoms and to restore harmony and balance.


All types of Ayurvedic treatments are available and our top most priority is to take care of patient's wellness in all ways with the medicines that causes no side effects. Best ayurveda center in dubai 


Medicated herbal oils are selected and used based on patient's disease, age and skin. it differs to each and every individual.


We have post natal massage treatment packages to take care of mother and baby as well.


At least a 3 months gap should be maintained in between the Ayurvedic treatments.


Ayurveda can treat as a wide range of treatments for many diseases. Most of all illness can be treated with Ayurveda, even mental health conditions.


The difference between Ayurveda massage and a regular massage is that,


Body massage today is a popular feature of many tourist destinations across the globe. But as a form of therapy, Ayurvedic Massage brings balance in the three Doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Hence it is very different from regular massage.


Also you can continue taking other medications when using Ayurveda medicines or treatments. Please note that each medicine has different pathways of action in your body. So, please consult an ayurvedic practitioner what can be done in your case.


How do I know my Dosha type?


  • Ayurveda is built around the five elements of ether, air, fire, water, and earth.

  • The unique combination of these elements come together to make up the doshas, or constitutions—vata, pitta, and kapha.

  • Each dosha has a number of corresponding qualities that are expressed in the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of one’s being.

  •  All of us have some aspects of each dosha, but one or two doshas tend to dominate, informing everything from our digestion to our emotions. Best ayurveda centre in dubai - Best ayurveda clinic in dubai 

Core Ayurvedic Services We Offer

Key Benefits

While Ayurveda has many health benefits related to the mind and body, some of them are:


‌You Are Encouraged to Love Yourself

You Get a Greater Understanding of Your Place in Life

Toxins in the Body are Reduced

You Learn to Clear Up Energy

Better Health at a Cellular Level

Stronger Digestion

Reduced Stress and Greater Sense of Well-Being


Indian Ayurveda has given the world a considerable measure of things. These things have changed the way individuals live and they have made the progress from a world loaded with ailments to the world perfectly fit and healthy. The significance of Ayurveda is tremendous and it is without a doubt the main practice with regards to alternate forms of medicine.


Ostensibly the most eminent branch of Ayurveda is Panchakarma. The name Panchakarma literally means "Five Actions" which is well-suited given the fact that this technique relies upon five distinctive basic activities that control the body namely Vomiting, Purgation, Niruham, Anuvaasan, and Nasyam. In other words, Panchakarma healing technique is a pillar on which majority of Ayurvedic techniques stand. Best Ayurvedic center in dubai.


Panchakarma works best with the utilization of medicated oils that helps in eliminating the impurities from the human body. Panchakarma is the true manifestation of the Ayurvedic values and it lives up to its reputation.

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Five Panchakarma Therapies


In this treatment, a patient is given inside and outside oleation and fomentation treatments for few days which includes therapies and some ayurvedic medicine. Once the toxins get melted and accumulate in upper cavities of body, the patient is given emetic medicines and decoction. This enables vomiting and helps in disposing of the poisons from the body tissues. Vaman treatment is particularly suggested basically for kapha-dominated conditions, such as weight gain, asthma and hyperacidity.


In virechan, purgation or disposal of toxins happens through the clearing of the bowels. In this treatment too, the patient is given inside and outside oleation and fomentation treatments. From that point onward, the patient is given a natural purgative to encourage clearing of the guts that aides in purifying the body of toxins. Virechan treatment is prescribed fundamentally for pitta -dominated conditions, such as herpes zoster, jaundice , colitis, celiac infection etc.


Managing medicated substances through enema is Ayurveda's exceptional commitment to the therapeutic world. The treatment has huge advantages, particularly in convoluted and chronic diseases. According to the nature of disease, home grown decoctions, oils, ghee or milk are managed into the rectum and this has incredible positive effects. This treatment is to a great degree powerful against vata-dominated conditions, such as arthritis, piles and constipation. Also, read more about medicine for constipation.


This treatment is extremely effective in clearing and purging the head area. At the beginning of the treatment, the head and shoulder areas are given a delicate massage and fomentation. After that, nasal drops are regulated in both the nostrils. This achieves the cleaning of the whole head area and diminishes different sorts of cerebral pain, headache, hair issues, sleep disorder, neurological disorders, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis and respiratory ailments.


This treatment is useful for cleaning of blood and viable against ailments caused because of impure blood. It can be done in a particular area or for the whole body. This treatment is especially valuable in different skin infections, such as psoriasis, dermatitis and furthermore in local lesions such as abscesses and pigmentation.

Key Benefits

Completely purifies the body

Riddance of toxins

Speeding up the metabolism

Reducing weight

Enhancing the strength of digestive fire

Opening up of blocked channels

Relaxing the mind and body

Rejuvenation of tissues

Boosts Immunity

Relieves stress

Why should one undergo a Panchakarma therapy?

Stress, natural pollutants and poor lifestyle decisions make a lethal load on the body that—if left in the tissues and circulation system results in poor health. Panchakarma turns around this degenerative procedure rapidly and its impact is quite significant and long lasting. Panchakarma utilizes a combination of massage, home grown saunas, special foods and nutritional directives, mellow fasting and colon treatments to free the body from accumulated toxins.

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